Day: March 12, 2009

MVP Summit Wednesday

And so, sadly, Wednesday dawned as the last day of the 2009 summit. Breakfast was a huge buffet at the WTCC: This is where we found Richard again, looking a little worse for wear. Reminds me of the first morning

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MVP Summit Tuesday

Again, another early rise to breakfast, and off to the bus again. Fortunately the session started late due to technical difficulties as the bus got a bit snarled in traffic! That morning we actually saw something very, very cool which

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MVP Summit Monday

It always irks me when I look back and realize that I didn't take many pictures… Monday dawned way too early. I made it down for breakfast, and then off on the 20 minute bus ride to the Microsoft Conference

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MVP Summit Sunday

Okay, finally I'm going to put up some pictures here. I'll break them up a bit so that the load time isn't too long. First off, merely for my interest, here's the view from the hotel room: Now, of more

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