Category: Formulas

Using Named Range to Refer to Cell Above

The last couple of times I've taught, I've received a question about how to deal with the following scenario: You have a table of data, say in A1:A10 In A11, you have the following formula:  =sum(A1:A10) Someone highlights row A11,

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Always Refer to the Cell Above

Introduction How many times have you built a table of data, and put totals on it. You ship it out the door, and another user comes along and inserts a new row right before the totals row? If you have

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Spreasheet Design Tips

There are three types of spreadsheets built in the world today: The "quick 'n' dirty for your eyes only" type spreadsheet. It doesn't need to be pretty, and doesn't need a ton of time spent making it readable or understandable

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