Using getSize with RibbonX Buttons
A friend just asked for some help with making a getSize callback work with some buttons. I figured this should be an easy one, and dove into the RibbonX book to check the table on page 172. Aha! There it
A friend just asked for some help with making a getSize callback work with some buttons. I figured this should be an easy one, and dove into the RibbonX book to check the table on page 172. Aha! There it
Is it just me, or if the Find and Replace tool in Excel (actually in Office) really limited? The first deficiency is that I want to be able to select "Within Selection", not within "Sheet". I know that it defaults
If you filter data out of large data sets, you may have run into an issue where you can hit 8192 non-contiguous ranges, which Excel couldn't handle. While this issue has been in Excel for many versions, I can honestly
Cherisse asks: Is there a way to set a conditional format for a cell or row to look at the date and format if that date falls on a specific day of the week. I.e. a date input as 7/21/09,
As I mentioned in this post, I started working my way through the .NET Hello World example in PED 2nd Edition. I ran into a funny issue though, where it kept opening up my application in Excel 2003 instead of
I don't know how often this happens to you but it drives me crazy! Assume that I've got a formula set up in a conditional format, named range or some other place that has a "RefEdit" control on it. I
On Friday night, I began reading my way through PED 2nd Edition. After something weird happened with Excel, (I think because I have Excel 2003 and 2007 installed,) I got the bright idea to create a very simple Windows Forms
Further to yesterday's post, I've found that the issue with onLoad conflicts is much bigger than I thought. As Bob Phillips pointed out, this isn't actually a new issue, or one that is strictly an issue with RibbonX, but it
I ran into this the other day when I was working on a file and it drove me nuts. Background: I always use a custom property to contain my RibbonUI object. It's set up like this: The following code goes
I was working on my budget package today, and decided that I wanted to break the text so that it showed on two lines. For many novice users this means that they put one or two words in one cell,
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