Day: April 21, 2008

MVP Summit 2008 – The trip home

For the last time, we were up at 6AM again, this time to catch the ferry home. Boarding was pretty uneventful, really, but part way home we got a message... 5 inches of snow at my inlaws. (They only live

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MVP Summit 2008 – Friday

Officially, the summit was over.  But we'd booked an extra day, and a few of the Excel guys were still around. We got up at 7AM, for breakfast at Lowell's at 8AM.  (Really slept in!)  Strangely, I never took any

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MVP Summit 2008 – Thursday

Another day, another 6AM rising for breakfast.  This time it was at the Washington State Trade and Convention Centre, and the breakfast was pretty good.  A full buffet that actually had fruit at it.  The only complaint I have, cause

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MVP Summit 2008 – Wednesday

Another early morning, another hotel breakfast.  This time eggs in a bagel, with a muffin and an apple.  Again, something to be desired, really. After another bus ride out to Redmond, they threw us in to a session with a

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