Category: Power Query

Get Album and Track Data from Spotify

After writing up my article on connecting to Spotify using Power Query, I thought it would be helpful to provide some functions that will allow you to get album and track data from Spotify. A sample project to illustrate getting

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Connect to Spotify using Power Query

Spotify has a massive music database, and in this article we're going to look at how to connect to Spotify using Power Query. Step 1: Get API credentials from Spotify The first thing you'll need to do is to collect

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Label Duplicates with Power Query

Recently, a reader commented on a blog post that I wrote back in 2015.  Their question essentially boiled down to working out how to label duplicates with Power Query.  As an additional twist though, they also wanted to ensure that

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Master Your Data is Now Available!

You read that correctly, the Data Monkey has landed, and Master Your Data for Excel and Power BI is now available in PDF format from your favourite online bookstore! You may have noticed that the past few months have been

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Building a SelectQuery Function

For a while now, I have been wanting to have the capability in Power Query to select a query by name PROGRAMMATICALLY.  Why?  Building a SelectQuery Function would allow me to execute one of multiple “Transform” queries depending on a

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New Monkey Tools Features

We're super excited to let you know that we've just released some new Monkey Tools features!  Let's take a quick look as to what is new... The Table Monkey This feature was actually released back in December. However, since we

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More free features in Monkey Tools

Wow, it is hard to believe it is already December.  And looking back at my blog, I realized that I forgot to tell you that we released a few more free features in Monkey Tools over the past month!  In

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