Keep Only Numbers in Power Query
My last blog post was interesting in that I got a few emails about it. Both Imke Feldman and Bill Szysz sent me better methods, and a blog commenter asked for a slightly different version. For this post, I’m going
My last blog post was interesting in that I got a few emails about it. Both Imke Feldman and Bill Szysz sent me better methods, and a blog commenter asked for a slightly different version. For this post, I’m going
I recently received a comment on one of my blog posts asking how to separate values and text, especially when there is no common delimiter such as a space separating them. This is a bit of an interesting one, as
This past weekend I attended SQL Saturday in Portland, OR. While I was there, I attended Reza Rad’s session on Advanced Data Transformations with Power Query. During that session, Reza showed a cool trick to merge data based on two
M is for (Data) Monkey: The Excel Pro's Definitive Guide to Power Query In August 2021, we published the second edition of this book under the name Master Your Data for Excel and Power BI. Click here to learn more
I’m pleased to let people know that breaking Power Query via Power Pivot is a thing of the past … at least for users of Excel 2013 or higher. (Sorry, if you’re on 2010, you still need to be careful.)
Some more savvy Excel users know that you can break text onto multiple lines in a cell by pressing Alt+Enter mid entry. Today’s post explores how we can split by line breaks in order to break these types of cell
The other day as I was working through a model, I once again tripped upon the fact that Power Query’s Text.Trim function doesn’t clean whitespace inside the text string, only at the ends. For those who are used to Excel’s
I ran into an interesting wrinkle in a model I’m building, where I need to allocate units based on dates. The idea here is to allow a user to the number of units to allocate, the start date and the
One of the attendees at today’s Power Query Workshop (now Power Query Academy) asked about a specific scenario today. His company doesn’t have a solid IT infrastructure for sharing data, and he’s trying to figure out the best method for
There was a really cool new feature added in the latest Power Query update: The ability to split Power Queries. This is something that has always been possible by editing the M code manually, but this makes it super simple.
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