The intake is closing soon for our first Power Query class of 2016, which starts on February 3, 2016.
If you haven't heard about this, or you've been considering taking it but haven't signed up yet, you've been missing out. We truly believe that you'll never take a course that can have this much impact on your job. If you routinely clean up and prepare data before you can analyze it, and you're NOT using Power Query to do it, you're putting in too much effort and doing too many things over again. Quite simply, you (or your staff) are wasting their time. You owe it to yourself to join us and find out how you can significantly decrease or eliminate data preparation time and devote your skills to what they were hired for: analyzing results and reacting to them.
What is included?
We've reviewed the course since we started airing it last year, and overall have been very pleased with the feedback that we've received, as well as the way it's been delivered. In case you weren't aware, every registration includes:
- Full downloadable recordings of the entire training event. (So if you have to miss some time, it's okay, as you get to download it later to re-watch it on your schedule. We've found people really like this, as it helps not only with time zone issues, but also allows you to review the material at a later date when you are trying to implement your own solutions.)
Copies of every workbook used in the workshop delivery
Access to our SQL Azure database so you can practice working with data in SQL
6 practice labs with full written and video solutions.
Real world examples to explain not only how to do the job, but also the value proposition of using Power Query
Explanations and demos of pitfalls, hurdles and gotchas!
A free digital copy of M is for Data Monkey
A Q&A day to ask questions about applying the techniques to YOUR data
Course Improvements
We're really proud of all of that. But one part bothered us in our intial setup… we felt that our Q&A day came a bit too fast, and didn't allow people enough time to really use Power Query to any great degree. To that end we are still offering a Q&A day – heck, we think this is a huge value proposition to the course as you can submit your own issues and we will solve them for you! – but we have bumped the date out a bit. Instead of hosting our Q&A session one week after the main course, we are now hosting it two weeks after the final day. We feel that this should allow more time for our attendees to experiment with their data and submit even more challenges for Miguel and I to solve and demo for you. And remember, the entire Q&A session is recorded for you to download too… so even if you can't make it, you can still submit your questions and get them answered!
Long lasting training resources
We've worked really hard on this course, and tried to make this one of the most complete training packages on the planet. We've included as many resources as possible to get you up and running with kick-butt and maintainable solutions as quickly as possible. We've worked hard to give you resources that will FAR outlast your time in our class and impact the way you work with data forever. Don't miss your opportunity to jump on this, as our next intake won't be until some time in April! Why miss out on a whole 2 months of productivity gains?
Even better, the skills you'll learn here aren't just applicable to Excel 2010 and higher… they are also applicable to Power BI and Power BI desktop. So you're learning material that will help you with multiple programs in one session!
Need professional development hours?
We are more than happy to provide you with a certificate of completion, as well as the actual hours you are logged in online.
Discounts available if you register now!
This training will pay for itself, we're sure of it. But to make that even more likely, we're offering you a 10% discount on the list price of $595 USD. Use code GPCPA1 at checkout and we'll knock $59.50 off the price, but only until January 31…which is coming up in a couple of days!
Register for the first Power Query class of 2016 here
To register or learn more about the course, head on over to We hope you'll join us so that we can help transform your Excel skills into a whole new level of awesomely efficient!