Tag: power query

New Monkey Tools Features

We're super excited to let you know that we've just released some new Monkey Tools features!  Let's take a quick look as to what is new... The Table Monkey This feature was actually released back in December. However, since we

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More free features in Monkey Tools

Wow, it is hard to believe it is already December.  And looking back at my blog, I realized that I forgot to tell you that we released a few more free features in Monkey Tools over the past month!  In

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Introducing the Measure Monkey

You know the drill… extract, transform and load your data, relate your tables, then create basic DAX measures.  All work that needs to be done before you can really get started on analyzing your data.  Today we’ve unleashed the Measure

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Update to Monkey Tools QuerySleuth

We've been kind of quiet here, but we're excited to announce that we've just published an update to Monkey Tools QuerySleuth feature.  It now contains an "tabbed" experience so that you can easily flip back and forth between queries, "pinning"

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Creating Power Query Based Calendars

We’re super excited to announce that we have given the Monkey Tools calendar creator feature an upgrade.  In fact, it is so much of a power up, that this feature has graduated into its own full grown monkey!  We call

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Name Worksheets After Queries

Have you ever loaded a Power Query to a worksheet and then changed the name to match the query? It's a shame that there is no option to name worksheets after queries, as this would be handy. Well, after seeing

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Change Multiple Load Destinations at Once

Have you ever built multiple queries in one Power Query session?  You get to choose one load destination, then have to change each of the incorrect ones... one by one.  Have you ever wished you could change multiple load destinations

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Monkey Tools Update Now Available

We’re pleased to announce the first Monkey Tools update is now available for download! This one contains a new feature, some new logic and an update to one of our data connectors. Read on for more information! I can’t believe

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Appending Columns with Different Names

Will Thompson from the Power BI team threw out a question on Twitter today related to Appending Columns with Different Names: Let's say I have some CSVs coming in where the column names differ from file to file, but always

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PivotSleuth and Measure Tables

Last week I got an email from one of our readers, with some feedback related to how Monkey Tools’ PivotSleuth works with Measure tables in Power Pivot. Best practices is to set up a disconnected table to house DAX measures. 

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