The Data Insights 2 Day Master Class

I’m super excited to be presenting a Data Insights 2 Day Master Class in Wellington, NZ with my good friend Matt Allington.  This is the first time we’ll be working together to bring our unique strengths to our participants in a joint session format, and it’s going to be AWESOME!

Ad for the Data Insights Masterclass in Wellington NZ

How is the event going to work?

We think you’ll love this.  We’re going to divide our group in two.  You’ll get a one full day with me on Dimensional Modeling, and one full day with Matt, which focuses on the DAX formula language.  These two components are essential to understand when you want to build truly dynamic, scalable and stable data models, and we're going to cover both in detail.

What is covered in the Dimensional Modeling day?

Ken will be looking deeply at how to structure your data for a successful Excel/Power BI data model.  You’ll learn how your data should be shaped, what the data model expects in its tables, and a variety of techniques and patterns to work around common join problems.  Our goal here is very simple: to teach you everything you need to lay the foundation for a data model that will stand the test of time.

But not only will you lean practical hands on techniques to lay this groundwork, you’ll learn the key terminology at play.  By the time you leave this session you’ll be able to identify things like ‘facts’, ‘dimensions’, ‘relationships’, ‘schemas’, ‘slowly moving dimensions’ and much more.  Armed with this knowledge you will be able to not only design your own models properly, but you’ll be able to understand other materials you reference during your career.

As you might expect from one of the world’s leading voices on Power Query, there’s going to be a heavy focus on Power Query in this course.  But it's Power Query with a purpose: to feed a Power Pivot Data Model.

What is covered in the DAX Formula day?

Matt will take you into the world of DAX formulas, exploring how this incredible language can be used to summarize virtually any statistic you want to know.  He’s one of the world’s experts in the DAX language and will teach you not only what you SHOULD do with DAX, but what you SHOULDN’T.

When Is This?

Soon!  It’s going to be hosted in Wellington, NZ on Feb 24 and 25, 2020.  But the good news is that there are still seats available, and we’d LOVE to see you there with us.

How Much and Where Do I Sign Up?

Great questions!  Head over to ExceleratorBI for all those details.



2 thoughts on “The Data Insights 2 Day Master Class

  1. Hi Sarah,

    I don't have anything booked for 2020 at this point. It's looking like Wellington, NZ may be the closest I get to Australia...

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